Advanced Graphing in R

Laurie Stevison & Amanda Clark

Getting Started

If you are using this code with the video, note that some slides have been added post-recording and are not shown.

We will be working with the “BodyFat.csv” dataset again. Make an R Notebook for this walk-through tutorial to save all the code you will be learning. We will cover:

Read in dataset

You will need to add path information to the raw_data directory once you have uncompressed the data tarball.

Now, let’s return to the “BodyFat.csv” dataset by reading in the CSV file:


You may also read in the previously made object into fat:

fat <- readRDS(file = "data/BodyFat.rds") 

## 1    1    12.6  1.0708  23 154.25  67.75      23.7 36.2  93.1    85.2  94.5  59.0 37.3  21.9
## 2    2     6.9  1.0853  22 173.25  72.25      23.4 38.5  93.6    83.0  98.7  58.7 37.3  23.4
## 3    3    24.6  1.0414  22 154.00  66.25      24.7 34.0  95.8    87.9  99.2  59.6 38.9  24.0
## 4    4    10.9  1.0751  26 184.75  72.25      24.9 37.4 101.8    86.4 101.2  60.1 37.3  22.8
## 5    5    27.8  1.0340  24 184.25  71.25      25.6 34.4  97.3   100.0 101.9  63.2 42.2  24.0
## 6    6    20.6  1.0502  24 210.25  74.75      26.5 39.0 104.5    94.4 107.8  66.0 42.0  25.6
## 1   32.0    27.4  17.1 NA
## 2   30.5    28.9  18.2 NA
## 3   28.8    25.2  16.6 NA
## 4   32.4    29.4  18.2 NA
## 5   32.2    27.7  17.7 NA
## 6   35.7    30.6  18.8 NA

Density is all that matters!

In a previous video, we found several parameters correlated significantly with bodyfat, but in fact, density explains the majority of the variance in bodyfat. Once that is accounted for, no other parameters matter.

So, let’s focus on density:

#plot density and bodyfat

These variables show an inverse relationship - as density increases, bodyfat goes down. What does this mean?

Add statistical results to our plot:

As we discussed in a previous video, it helps give your audience context if you provide statistical results within a graphic.

#redo the statistical correlation
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  fat$BODYFAT and fat$DENSITY
## t = -101.52, df = 250, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.9906950 -0.9847529
## sample estimates:
##        cor 
## -0.9880867
#remember we can isolate just the p-value

#to print it, we can just 'call' p:
## [1] 3.280973e-205
#let's round this to look a bit nicer when we add it to our plot
## [1] 0
#hmm, not quite right, we can use the function `signif` to round scientific notation figures
## [1] 3.3e-205
#to add it to our plot, we will use the function `paste` which will append "p = " to the actual value of p.
paste("p = ",signif(p,2))
## [1] "p =  3.3e-205"

Add p-value to a plot

First, let’s improve our plot by adding a descriptive title and label the X and Y axes:

#re-plot data with labels
plot(fat$BODYFAT~fat$DENSITY,main="Body Fat versus Density", xlab="Density",ylab="Body Fat")

#now, we can use the `text` function to add this to the plot
#note: to put it in the upper left quadrant, I added x and y coordinates. Feel free to move it around and change the color.
text(1.08,40,paste("p = ",signif(p,2)),col="red")

Let’s examine each variable for all the individuals in the dataset

We can put bodyfat on the left y-axis and density on the right y-axis.

#plot body fat per individual
plot(fat$IDNO,fat$BODYFAT,col="blue", main="Body Fat",xlab="252 Men Sampled", ylab="Body Fat",type="l")

#add margin text to label the 2nd y-axis

#call a new plot

#now, intialize an empty plot of density per individual (x-axis needs to be the same to make this work!)
#note we have used type="n" to make an empty plot, disabled the axes and made labels empty

#now, we plot the second y-axis, axis 4

#add lines to this axis

This still looks a bit messy - it is hard to see that these two values correlate at all? What is wrong?

Inverting a plot

Because Density correlates negatively with Body Fat, we will plot the inverse of this parameter

#first, let's adjust the margin parameters so we can better see the second y-axis

#replot bodyfat
plot(fat$IDNO,fat$BODYFAT,col="blue", main="Body Fat",xlab="252 Men Sampled", ylab="Body Fat",type="l")

#move margin text outward so it does not run into tick marks
mtext("Density",side=4, line=3)

#okay, take 2 of the density plot
#yep, inverting is really that easy!

#finally, let's add a legend
legend("topleft",c("BodyFat","Density"),col=c("blue","red"), lwd=1, bty="n")

Now, that looks a lot better!

Writing to files and making multi-panel plots!

Finally, let’s put all of this analysis together into a nice single graphic:

#intialize a PDF file

#set it up to have two plots, one row, two columns

#panel one
plot(fat$BODYFAT~fat$DENSITY,main="Body Fat versus Density", xlab="Density",ylab="Body Fat")
text(1.08,40,paste("p = ",signif(p,2)),col="red",cex=1.25)

#panel two
plot(fat$IDNO,fat$BODYFAT,col="blue", main="Body Fat and Density by Individual",xlab="252 Men Sampled", ylab="Body Fat",type="l")
mtext("Density",side=4, line=3)
legend("topleft",c("BodyFat","Density"),col=c("blue","red"), lwd=1, bty="n")

#turn off the plotting device
## quartz_off_screen 
##                 2

Final Image

Because we wrote this to a file, you will need to open the file it created. The image will NOT appear in your plots panel on the bottom right.

The “tidy” way

Now, we are going to create the same figure using ggplot2 from tidyverse. You were introduced to this package in Module 3. ggplot2 is based on the grammar of graphics philosophy that the same components can be used to generate almost any quantitative graphic.

We provide the data and specific how we want the data points visualized and ggplot2 adds a coordinate system to produce our plot.

General structure of a command:

ggplot(<data>) +
geom_<function>(mapping = aes(x = <x-axis variable>, y = <y-axis variable>, color = <color>), 
                              linetype = <linetype>, size = <size>, shape = <shape>)

or you can specify mapping and data in the first layer and build onto it.

ggplot(<data>, aes(<mappings>)) +

Bodyfat ~ Density

gg_fat_density <- ggplot(data = fat) + #data
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = DENSITY, y = BODYFAT)) #visualized as points


This looks somewhat like our first base R plot too! Now to add the remaining modifications…

We will take the ggplot object “gg_fat_density” we made in the previous slide and build on it here:

gg_fat_density <- gg_fat_density + #ggplot object we created before
  annotate(geom = "text", color = "red", x = 1.08, y = 40, label = paste("p = ",signif(p,2))) + # with a red p-value in the top right corner
  labs(title = "Body Fat versus Density", x = "Density", y = "Body Fat") + # and titles
  theme_classic() # without the grid lines


We could recreate the plot visualizing body fat and density on the same plot but ggplot2 creators frown upon the use of dual axes for different data, so it is not straightforward to accomplish. Take a moment to read about why you would not generally want to create plots with dual axis that are not transformations.

The power of tidyverse

The true power of the tidyverse meta-package is in the connectivity between packages. Here we will use pipes with dplyr and ggplot2. Let’s visualize the fitted regression model from a subset of the body fat data.

# What did we learn about measured predictor variables from fat influencing body fat?

## Call:
##     FOREARM + WRIST, data = fat)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -7.7632 -0.3308 -0.0954  0.2078 13.9487 
## Coefficients:
##               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  4.190e+02  9.802e+00  42.750   <2e-16 ***
## WEIGHT       1.197e-02  1.467e-02   0.816    0.415    
## DENSITY     -3.816e+02  7.559e+00 -50.481   <2e-16 ***
## ADIPOSITY   -5.493e-02  8.113e-02  -0.677    0.499    
## AGE          1.078e-02  8.808e-03   1.224    0.222    
## HEIGHT      -1.782e-02  3.019e-02  -0.590    0.556    
## NECK        -2.062e-02  6.427e-02  -0.321    0.749    
## CHEST        2.993e-02  2.856e-02   1.048    0.296    
## ABDOMEN      2.260e-02  3.016e-02   0.749    0.454    
## HIP          1.611e-02  4.023e-02   0.401    0.689    
## THIGH        1.354e-03  3.980e-02   0.034    0.973    
## KNEE        -3.978e-02  6.705e-02  -0.593    0.554    
## ANKLE       -7.170e-02  6.073e-02  -1.181    0.239    
## BICEPS      -6.291e-02  4.688e-02  -1.342    0.181    
## FOREARM      4.324e-02  5.447e-02   0.794    0.428    
## WRIST        3.640e-02  1.480e-01   0.246    0.806    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.166 on 236 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9787, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9774 
## F-statistic: 723.9 on 15 and 236 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

We learned that body fat and density (likely bone mineral density) have an inverse relationship. Can you find any information supporting this with a Google search? Here we will generate a variable for age class, reduced the data set to age class and density variables before plotting the fitted regression.

gg_fit_fat <- fat %>% 
  mutate(AGECLS = ifelse(AGE < 41, "early", "late")) %>% # generate AGECLS variable based on AGE variable
  select("DENSITY", "AGECLS", "BODYFAT") %>%  # paring down to variables of interest
  ggplot(aes(x = DENSITY, y = BODYFAT)) + # mapping body fat ~ density
  geom_point(aes(shape = AGECLS, color = AGECLS)) + # visualize points colored and shaped by AGECLS
  geom_smooth(method = lm, aes(color = AGECLS)) + # visualize fitted regression, colored by AGECLS
  facet_wrap(~ AGECLS) + # facet data by AGECLS
  theme_classic() + theme(panel.spacing = unit(10, "pt")) #Formatting and spacing the panels
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Whew, two dplyr functions followed by more ggplot2 functions!

Challenge Yourself

  1. Type ?ggsave into your console and learn about exporting figures from ggplot2. Try visualizing the relationship of body fat to a different predictor and add an additional pipe to the ggsave function to export your plot with the same parameters we used for base R above!

  2. What if we wanted a figure that included our first plot “gg_fat_density” and “gg_fit_fat”? Read about ggplot2 compatible figure layouts here and try it with these two plots!

Final words on ggplot2

tidyverse was created by Hadley Wickham (Statistician and Chief Scientists at RStudio) and associates. It is meant to make the coding syntax and structure more intuitive and understandable. ggplot2 is one of many other packages within the tidyverse, but they all share the same underlying design and data structures (i.e., they work well together). Interested in learning more?

Check out tidyverse.

Check out the book R for Data Science.

Check out the ggplot2 cheatsheet.