R on the Command Line

Laurie Stevison

Getting Started

If you are using this code with the video, note that some slides have been added post-recording and are not shown. See 4.05.walkthrough.R in the compressed data tarball for the code from the recording.

So far we’ve treated R as separate from linux, but you can execute R from the command line. This is the focus of this tutorial.

Normally we would make an R Notebook, but since we are planning to use this script on the CL, start an RScript in RStudio. We will work with a different subset of the depth data from Activity #1.

You will also want to copy the data files into this folder to follow along, even if you load our data object.

Set up workspace

Read in datasets

Let’s use some data from my lab! These are raw data from an experiment where we measured the impact of temperature on meiotic recombination rate.

We recorded phenotype as 0’s or 1’s, so we will use R to categorize the data into crossover classes.

You will need to add path information to the raw_data directory once you have uncompressed the data tarball.

Read “Exp5_rawdata.csv” into an object called exp5:


You may also read in the previously made object:

samtools.depth <- readRDS(file = "data/chrX.depth.out.rds")
head(samtools.depth, 3)
##              V1 V2 V3
## 1 chrXL_group3b  1  1
## 2 chrXL_group3b  2  3
## 3 chrXL_group3b  3  4

Integrating R with the command line

To use R on the command line, we are going to return to a script you wrote when we first started using R. You could copy the script coverage.R from Activity #1 to this directory or the code from it into a new script.

Feel free to clean up the bits in the middle, Remember, we made a copy - you ALWAYS have the original!

Revisiting our depth plot

Let’s recreate the plot we made in Activity #1.

plot(chrXL_group3b$V2,chrXL_group3b$V3,xlab="Position",ylab="Depth of Coverage",main="chrXL_group3b Coverage",type="l",lwd=3,col="blue")

That was still a really messy plot. Let’s make some modifications to improve this figure. First, let’s convert the x axis into megabases.

plot(mb,chrXL_group3b$V3,xlab="Position (Mb)",ylab="Depth of Coverage",main="chrXL_group3b Coverage",type="l",lwd=3,col="blue")

Notice, we’ve change the x in our plot function and the label for the x-axis to specify that it is in megabases (Mb) for short.

Other Modifications

Now, let’s add in some bells and whistles that we’ve learned since Activity #1.

We’ll add an abline for the mean and some text stating the mean as well.

plot(mb,chrXL_group3b$V3,xlab="Position (Mb)",ylab="Depth of Coverage",main="chrXL_group3b Coverage",type="l",lwd=3,col="blue")

#add an abline

#add text with mean
mtext(side=3,paste("mean = ",round(avg,2)),cex=0.8,col="red",adj=1)

Independently, try again but write to a file this time.

Here, we will write the file to a png instead of a PDF. As some of you have noticed, a PDF writes the data as vector graphics and thus the file size is large and takes a long time to load. A png will rasterize the image, reducing the file size and load time.

Fill in the code to generate the plot where indicated:

Remember, because we wrote this to a file, we need to open the file to see the image. It will not render in your notebook this time.

Play with some of these png paramters (res, height/width, and pointsize) to see how it changes the output file


Another thing we can do is smooth the data. One of the better smoothing functions in R is loess.


This function will take ~1-2 minutes to run depending on your OS.

span=0.01 is a 1% smoothing span, which seems very low, but we have LOTS of data so any value larger would take a VERY long time.

## [1] 334023
## [1] 3340.23
## [1] 334.023

We can also smooth using enp.target; This is more useful if smoothing over different size datasets. It uses a precise number rather than a percentage.


What does the enp.target look like?

## [1] 386180
## [1] 772.36

span versus enp.target

Here, we will compare how span and enp.target differ when you are comparing two chromosomes. As we’ve done before, we will start with a blank plot and add each piece in one at a time.

We are making the same plot, but using a larger smoothing span


plot(mb,chrXL_group3b$V3,ylim=range(predict(lo1)),main="chrXL_group3b Coverage",xlab="Position (Mb)",ylab="Coverage",type="n")

#add loess prediction

Now, try to repeat the process with the other chromosome. Go back to your code and subset for chrXR_group3a


Continue to the next slide for the solution.



#Perform loess for a much longer chromosome:

plot(mb2,chrXR_group3a$V3,ylim=range(predict(lo2)),main="chrXR_group3a Coverage",xlab="Position (Mb)",ylab="Coverage",type="n")

#add loess prediction

Let’s compare the range of data with and without smoothing:

#range of data without smoothing
## chrXL_group3b
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00    8.00   11.00   11.82   14.00   71.00
## chrXL_group3a
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00    7.00   10.00   10.44   13.00   70.00
#range of smoothed data
## chrXL_group3b
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.1497  8.7432 10.7693 11.8515 12.9247 64.6999
## chrXL_group3a
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.939   8.643  10.173  10.447  11.558  55.399

Using span, we are smoothing over a different number of parameters for the two datasets based on their size. This makes it hard to compare from chromosome to chromosome. enp.target is preferred method for chromosomes so they can be compared.

          enp.target = tail(chrXR_group3a$V2,1)/500,
#range of data without smoothing
## chrXL_group3b
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00    8.00   11.00   11.82   14.00   71.00
## chrXL_group3a
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    0.00    7.00   10.00   10.44   13.00   70.00
#range of smoothed data
## chrXL_group3b
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   3.258   9.495  10.790  11.828  12.158  54.154
## chrXL_group3a
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   2.626   8.729  10.169  10.448  11.472  52.104

Integrate smoothed data with previous plot

Let’s add this smoothed data on top of the raw data. Make the appropriate modifications to the code to write the plot to a file.

## Let's see our new plot.
plot(mb,chrXL_group3b$V3,main="chrXL_group3b Coverage",xlab="Position (Mb)",ylab="Coverage",type="l",col="grey50")

#only text of mean needed, not abline, because smoothed function is better!
mtext(side=3,paste("mean = ",round(avg,2)),cex=0.8,col="red",adj=1)

Scaling up:

This is a nice script, but this is only the coverage along a single contig for our dataset.

We have 13 contigs and would like to see how coverage looks across ALL contigs. This is a bit much for our local machine to do.

To run this R script on the ASC, we will need to transfer it up to the machine and write a shell script to change the name of the chromosome each time.

In Activity #3 you can practice using R on the CL You will execute the script for 1 contig only first to test the script works on an HPC.

An easy way to execute an R script on the command line:

R --vanilla <coverage.R

If you decide not to perform Activity #3 or you do not have access to HPC:

Congratulations, you’ve completed this mini course!